Hindi Language teacher Jobs in Dubai 2022 | Covoco


Hindi Language Teacher Jobs in Dubai 2022 | Conoco


Job Description

All items must be translated or adapted effectively by the Translator. Assists in the translation of website material, marketing copy, in-store communication, and corporate rules and procedures. This profession involves a high degree of collaboration and an eye for detail.


  • As a safeguard against miss-translation, a translator studies and analyses terminology in both the source language and the target language.
  • Translations of any kind, including flyers, social media posts, district-wide announcements/press releases, and other documents, must be accurate.
  • Dealing with the day-to-day operations of the office, such as answering phones, greeting visitors, answering general questions about the business, opening and sorting mail, producing purchase order requests, and so on.
  • Geopolitical, regional, ethnic, and cultural characteristics may be shown in the text, as well. If you are translating, you are likely to use words and expressions that are in line with the norms and ways of saying things in your target language (TL) (s).
  • A wide range of education-related papers are included such as paperwork for students and parents, as well as those pertaining to medical or legal issues or concerns of a confidential nature.
  • Creates and maintains databases containing information on the temporary employee pool, including evaluation findings, hours spent, training status, and other associated data.
  • Use reference resources to your advantage. A solid understanding of Microsoft Office, as well as basic internet skills, are required to produce written translations and commodities.
  • Verifying that the original meaning, tone, and intent have not been corrupted is a crucial part of the translation process.
  • In this position, you’ll be responsible for checking the work of district translators. Schools and translation consultants alike may benefit from this instrument’s teachings.
  • The ability to translate delicate talks between parents and instructors about the academic achievement of their children, disciplinary concerns, medical emergencies, and other such subjects.



  • When providing interpreter services in educational and community settings, a driver’s license and willingness to utilize one’s own vehicle are necessary.
  • When interacting with coworkers, students, and others, it is essential to use effective communication techniques.
  • Bachelor’s degree in Translation, Foreign Language, or comparable discipline, or equivalence, as well as proven human connection and good writing and spoken communication abilities, are essential.
  • Speak and comprehend two languages fluently, at the level of an educated native speaker, and with an awareness of the culture around the language.
  • The ability to speak a certain language above conversational level allows a group of people with limited English proficiency to engage completely in the work at hand

To apply for this job please visit uae-job.net.

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